The Stranger Is Not


A beautiful and touching poem penned by Zainal 'Abidin 'Ali bin Hussain bin 'Ali bin Abi Talib.

The stranger is not the stranger to Yemen or Syria
But the stranger is the stranger to the grave and the coffin

Verily the stranger has rights for his absence
Over the residents of the dwellings & homelands.

Don’t chase away the outlander in his state of unfamiliarity
For time is also chasing him with hardship & distress

My travels are far and my provisions will not suffice me
My strength has weakened and death is calling unto me.

I still have sins which I know not of
Allah knows of them; those made in secret & in manifest

How merciful has Allah been to me by giving me respite
And I have increased in sins but Allah has always shielded me

The hours of my days pass by without regret
No crying, no fear, no sadness

I am the one who closes the doors with fatigue
On disobedience, & The Eye of Allah watches over me…

O that which was written in a moment of heedlessness
O the sorrow which remains in my heart is burning me.

Leave me to bewail myself and weep
And pass the time in sadness and remembrance.

Leave off your Blaming of me O you who do so…
If you were but to know my situation you would have excused me…

Let me cry out tears that have no ending to them
For there will be no lesson that will set me free

It is As though I am with that family, laying…
Upon the mattress with their hands turning me over.

And they came to me with a doctor that he may cure me…
But of today I think not that medicine will benefit me..

My sufferings increased and death began to pull at me…
From every vein, without ease or comfort…

My soul was then removed from me with a gurgle…
And my saliva became bitter at that point…

They then shut my eyes and left me…
After a long moment of despair… they hurried to the purchase of the shroud

And he who was dearest to me got up in a hurry…
To summon the person who was to wash me…

He said: O my people we have attained a washer who is skillful,
Clever, bright & intelligent…

So then one of the men came and removed my clothing…
He undressed me and uncovered my body…

They then placed me on top of a board
And the sound of water above me, [the water that] began to clean me

He poured the water on top of me and washed me…
Three times, before calling out to the people for the shroud…

They shrouded me in a sleeveless garment…
And my provisions became the balm in which they embalmed me

They bore me towards my journey out of this world, oh how sorrowful!
Will be this journey for which I have no provisions to take along with me?

Upon their shoulders, they carried me, Four…
Men, and behind me are those who come to bid me farewell

They set me before the mihrab then turned away from me
Behind the Imam they went and he prayed on me then bade me farewell

They prayed over me a prayer consisting of neither rukoo’ nor sujood
Asking that Allah may have Mercy upon me.

They lowered me into my grave slowly
And one of them came forward to place me in the lahd

He raised the garment from my face to gaze upon me
And the tears spilled from his eyes awashing me

Then he stood, honoring me, firm and resolute
And lined the bricks on my body then left me

And he said “Throw the dirt upon him and reap
The great rewards from Ar-Rahmaan, the Most Gracious”

In the darkness of the grave, no mother is there nor
Is there an affectionate father, or a brother to comfort me

Alone… The only inhabitant of the grave, oh how sorrowful!
Am I on parting the world bearing no deeds to provision me?

And a sight which beheld my eye struck terror into me.
From a place of terror it came and startled me…

Munkar and Nakeer, what shall I say to them?
The thought of them strikes terror into me, it causes me fear

And they made me to sit and put forth their questions
I have none other than You now, O Lord, to deliver me!

So bestow upon me from Your Mercy, O Lord, how I hope in You!!
For verily I am fettered in my sins, I am confined by them

The relatives have divided my wealth amongst them after leaving me.
And my sins are now upon my back, burdening me

My wife has taken another husband in my place
And she has appointed him as overseer over my wealth and my home

She has made my children into servants to bid unto her needs
And my wealth has become to them a worthless means of enjoyment

So let not this World and its adornments deceive you.
And look at its [evil] effects in your family and homeland

And look at the one who collects the wealth of this Dunya in abundance
Will he depart from this world bearing other than the death shroud and balm?

Take from the dunya that which suffices you and be contented with that
Even if you were to have naught but good health

O you who sows good, you will reap the fruit of your efforts.
O you who sows evil you will find yourselves overcome with grief

O soul of mine, abstain from sinning and attain instead
Deeds which are beautiful, for which Allah may be merciful towards me

O soul of mine, Woe upon you! Turn towards your lord in Repentance, and do that which is good
So that you will be recompensed after your death with that which is delightful

Lastly sending prayers upon the Chosen one, Our Sayyid (leader)
All praise is unto Allah, May he fill our days and nights with that which is Good, with forgiveness

لَيْسَ الغَريبُ غَريبَ الشَّأمِ واليَمَنِ *إِنَّ الغَريبَ غَريبُ اللَّحدِ والكَفَنِ
إِنَّ الغَريِبَ لَهُ حَقٌّ لِغُرْبَتـِهِ * على الْمُقيمينَ في الأَوطــانِ والسَّكَنِسَفَري بَعيدٌ وَزادي لَنْ يُبَلِّغَنـي * وَقُوَّتي ضَعُفَتْ والمـوتُ يَطلُبُنـي
وَلي بَقايــا ذُنوبٍ لَسْتُ أَعْلَمُها * الله يَعْلَمُهــا في السِّرِ والعَلَنِ
مـَا أَحْلَمَ اللهَ عَني حَيْثُ أَمْهَلَني * وقَدْ تَمـادَيْتُ في ذَنْبي ويَسْتُرُنِي
تَمُرُّ سـاعـاتُ أَيّـَامي بِلا نَدَمٍ * ولا بُكاءٍ وَلاخَـوْفٍ ولا حـَزَنِ

أَنَـا الَّذِي أُغْلِقُ الأَبْوابَ مُجْتَهِداً * عَلى المعاصِي وَعَيْنُ اللهِ تَنْظُرُنـي
يَـا زَلَّةً كُتِبَتْ في غَفْلَةٍ ذَهَبَتْ * يَـا حَسْرَةً بَقِيَتْ في القَلبِ تُحْرِقُني

دَعْني أَنُوحُ عَلى نَفْسي وَأَنْدِبُـهـا * وَأَقْطَعُ الدَّهْرَ بِالتَّذْكِيـرِ وَالحَزَنِ
كَأَنَّني بَينَ تلك الأَهلِ مُنطَرِحــَاً * عَلى الفِراشِ وَأَيْديهِمْ تُقَلِّبُنــي

وَقد أَتَوْا بِطَبيبٍ كَـيْ يُعالِجَنـي * وَلَمْ أَرَ الطِّبَّ هـذا اليـومَ يَنْفَعُني
واشَتد نَزْعِي وَصَار المَوتُ يَجْذِبُـها * مِن كُلِّ عِرْقٍ بِلا رِفقٍ ولا هَوَنِ

واستَخْرَجَ الرُّوحَ مِني في تَغَرْغُرِها * وصـَارَ رِيقي مَريراً حِينَ غَرْغَرَني
وَغَمَّضُوني وَراحَ الكُلُّ وانْصَرَفوا * بَعْدَ الإِياسِ وَجَدُّوا في شِرَا الكَفَنِ

وَقـامَ مَنْ كانَ حِبَّ لنّاسِ في عَجَلٍ * نَحْوَ المُغَسِّلِ يَأْتينـي يُغَسِّلُنــي
وَقــالَ يـا قَوْمِ نَبْغِي غاسِلاً حَذِقاً * حُراً أَرِيباً لَبِيبـاً عَارِفـاً فَطِنِ

فَجــاءَني رَجُلٌ مِنْهُمْ فَجَرَّدَني * مِنَ الثِّيــابِ وَأَعْرَاني وأَفْرَدَني
وَأَوْدَعوني عَلى الأَلْواحِ مُنْطَرِحـاً * وَصـَارَ فَوْقي خَرِيرُ الماءِ يَنْظِفُني

وَأَسْكَبَ الماءَ مِنْ فَوقي وَغَسَّلَني * غُسْلاً ثَلاثاً وَنَادَى القَوْمَ بِالكَفَنِ
وَأَلْبَسُوني ثِيابـاً لا كِمامَ لهـا * وَصارَ زَادي حَنُوطِي حيـنَ حَنَّطَني

وأَخْرَجوني مِنَ الدُّنيـا فَوا أَسَفاً * عَلى رَحِيـلٍ بِلا زادٍ يُبَلِّغُنـي
وَحَمَّلوني على الأْكتـافِ أَربَعَةٌ * مِنَ الرِّجـالِ وَخَلْفِي مَنْ يُشَيِّعُني

وَقَدَّموني إِلى المحرابِ وانصَرَفوا * خَلْفَ الإِمـَامِ فَصَلَّى ثـمّ وَدَّعَني
صَلَّوْا عَلَيَّ صَلاةً لا رُكوعَ لهـا * ولا سُجـودَ لَعَلَّ اللـهَ يَرْحَمُني

وَأَنْزَلوني إلـى قَبري على مَهَلٍ * وَقَدَّمُوا واحِداً مِنهـم يُلَحِّدُنـي
وَكَشَّفَ الثّوْبَ عَن وَجْهي لِيَنْظُرَني * وَأَسْكَبَ الدَّمْعَ مِنْ عَيْنيهِ أَغْرَقَني

فَقامَ مُحتَرِمــاً بِالعَزمِ مُشْتَمِلاً * وَصَفَّفَ اللَّبِنَ مِنْ فَوْقِي وفـارَقَني
وقَالَ هُلُّوا عليه التُّرْبَ واغْتَنِموا * حُسْنَ الثَّوابِ مِنَ الرَّحمنِ ذِي المِنَنِ

في ظُلْمَةِ القبرِ لا أُمٌّ هنــاك ولا * أَبٌ شَفـيقٌ ولا أَخٌ يُؤَنِّسُنــي
فَرِيدٌ وَحِيدُ القبرِ، يــا أَسَفـاً * عَلى الفِراقِ بِلا عَمَلٍ يُزَوِّدُنـي

وَهالَني صُورَةً في العينِ إِذْ نَظَرَتْ * مِنْ هَوْلِ مَطْلَعِ ما قَدْ كان أَدهَشَني
مِنْ مُنكَرٍ ونكيرٍ مـا أَقولُ لهم * قَدْ هــَالَني أَمْرُهُمْ جِداً فَأَفْزَعَني

وَأَقْعَدوني وَجَدُّوا في سُؤالِهـِمُ * مَـالِي سِوَاكَ إِلهـي مَنْ يُخَلِّصُنِي
فَامْنُنْ عَلَيَّ بِعَفْوٍ مِنك يــا أَمَلي * فَإِنَّني مُوثَقٌ بِالذَّنْبِ مُرْتَهــَنِ

تَقاسمَ الأهْلُ مالي بعدما انْصَرَفُوا * وَصَارَ وِزْرِي عَلى ظَهْرِي فَأَثْقَلَني
واستَبْدَلَتْ زَوجَتي بَعْلاً لهـا بَدَلي * وَحَكَّمَتْهُ فِي الأَمْوَالِ والسَّكَـنِ

وَصَيَّرَتْ وَلَدي عَبْداً لِيَخْدُمَهــا * وَصَارَ مَـالي لهم حـِلاً بِلا ثَمَنِ
فَلا تَغُرَّنَّكَ الدُّنْيــا وَزِينَتُها * وانْظُرْ إلى فِعْلِهــا في الأَهْلِ والوَطَنِ

وانْظُرْ إِلى مَنْ حَوَى الدُّنْيا بِأَجْمَعِها * هَلْ رَاحَ مِنْها بِغَيْرِ الحَنْطِ والكَفَنِ
خُذِ القَنـَاعَةَ مِنْ دُنْيَاك وارْضَ بِها * لَوْ لم يَكُنْ لَكَ إِلا رَاحَةُ البَدَنِ

يَـا زَارِعَ الخَيْرِ تحصُدْ بَعْدَهُ ثَمَراً * يَا زَارِعَ الشَّرِّ مَوْقُوفٌ عَلَى الوَهَنِ
يـَا نَفْسُ كُفِّي عَنِ العِصْيانِ واكْتَسِبِي * فِعْلاً جميلاً لَعَلَّ اللهَ يَرحَمُني

يَا نَفْسُ وَيْحَكِ تُوبي واعمَلِي حَسَناً * عَسى تُجازَيْنَ بَعْدَ الموتِ بِالحَسَنِ
ثمَّ الصلاةُ على الْمُختـارِ سَيِّدِنـا * مَا وَصَّـا البَرْقَ في شَّامٍ وفي يَمَنِ

والحمدُ لله مُمْسِينَـا وَمُصْبِحِنَا * بِالخَيْرِ والعَفْوْ والإِحْســانِ وَالمِنَنِ

Can anybody tell me who is the reciter in the video?


85% Israelis Support Freedom Flotilla Massacre


Via :

Junio 10, 2010

Ni un paso atrás

Es discutible resumir el estado de opinión en todo un país con una sola encuesta, pero a veces sus resultados pueden ser muy reveladores. Un sondeo deja claro qué opinan los israelíes sobre el ataque a la flotilla de Gaza. El uso de la fuerza no les parece exagerado e incluso hay un porcentaje muy importante que opina que los militares se quedaron cortos. Dicho de forma coloquial: ¿nueve muertos?, pocos me parecen.
Un 46% cree que la respuesta fue la adecuada. Un 39% hubiera deseado una respuesta más violenta. En total, un 85% descarta por completo cualquier opción que hubiera previsto una operación más pacífica para obtener el mismo resultado.
Y sobre la reacción de EEUU, no crean que están contentos. Un 71% está muy o bastante insatisfecho con la respuesta de Obama. Supongo que esperaban una felicitación y un aumento de la ayuda militar para compensar por las balas gastadas.
Hay una forma de ver esto antes de manifestar una opinión. Con el tipo de información/propaganda que los israelíes reciben de su Gobierno y sus medios de comunicación, el resultado no es tan sorprendente.


June 10, 2010

Not one step back

It is questionable to summarize the state of opinion in the whole country with a single survey, but sometimes the results can be very revealing. A survey makes it clear what the Israelis say the attack on Gaza's fleet. The use of force seems exaggerated and even a large percentage believed that the military came up short. In slang: nine dead?, Few seem to me.
46% believe that the answer was correct. 39% would have liked a more violent response. In total, 85% completely rule out any option that would have provided a more peaceful operation to achieve the same result.
And on the U.S. reaction, do not think they are happy. 71% were very or fairly dissatisfied with the response from Obama. I guess I expected a greeting and an increase in military aid to compensate for spent bullets.
There is a way to see this before expressing an opinion. With the kind of information / propaganda that Israelis receive from their government and their media, the result is not so surprising.

Poll by


Mercy didn't send any doctor to Gaza


SMS regarding the death or missing of Malaysian MERCY doctors in Gaza is wildly circulating. I received one as well. First thing to do is (obviously) checking whether the news is reliable.

look at what i found:

Gist: Mercy never send any of its doctors to Gaza this yet. So, there can't be any missing or dead Mercy doctors in Gaza


World Cup Gambling: Who's the Liar?

credit to Zunar for pointing this via Facebook


KUALA LUMPUR, June 7 (Bernama) -- The government has yet to issue or give the licence to Syarikat Ascot Sports Sdn Bhd to carry out betting operations in Malaysia, said Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

Najib, who is also the Finance Minister, said the government had also not finalised discussions on the licensing terms and conditions with the company to undertake bookie activities in Malaysia.

"The government is still getting feedback and views from the various quarters on the proposed licensing for a betting bookie in Malaysia aimed at reducing and subsequently eliminating unlicensed gambling in Malaysia," he said in his written reply to Tian Chua (PKR-Batu) at the Dewan Rakyat sitting, here Monday.

Tian Chua wanted to know what was the basis for the cabinet decision to revoke the gambling licence in 2004 and why was the decision being changed this year.



KUALA LUMPUR, June 7 (Bernama) -- State governments must stop speculations and contribute ideas to tackle the issue over the awarding of the football betting licence, said Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein.

Hishammuddin said states must start offering new ideas to assist the government to make a better decision with regard to the issue.

"Rather than making noise from the outside, state governments can offer their suggestions and ideas to overcome black economy.

"The betting licence was approved a long time ago but it was made to look like it was only recently approved. They have also painted a negative picture saying the government encourages gambling," he told reporters after receiving a delegation from United Nation's (UN) Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (WGAD) led by El Hadji Maliek Sow from Senegal, at his office in Parliament here Monday.

People must understand that the licence was issued a long time ago and the Home Ministry is doing all it can to tackle the problem and one of the initiatives taken was to ask Bukit Aman CID Director Datuk Seri Mohd Bakri Zinin and Commercial Crimes Investigations Director Datuk Koh Hong Sun to set up a special task force.

"The issue is closely related to black economy involving an estimated RM10 billion and related to illegal activities like human trafficking, illegal money laundering or Ah Long," he said.

So, apart from we increasing surveillance, monitoring and preventive measures, the state governments must also support such efforts by coming out recommendations to overcome the issue, he said.

Asked whether the government would be required to compensate those involved if the licence was withdrawn, Hishammuddin said: "The question of compensation does not arise as the licence was issued a long time ago."

The issue of legalising football betting hit a brick wall when Selangor, Penang and Kedah refused to allow such activities in their states although Ascot Sports were issued a sports-betting licence by the government.

Meanwhile, WGAD, a body mandated to investigate complaints of arbitrary deprivation of liberty is on a 12-day visit here to study the system and procedures enforced during arbitrary detention in Malaysia.

The four-member delegation will visit prisons, immigration detention camps, drug rehabilitation camps.

"Their presence here shows that Malaysia always observed human rights procedures in line with international requirements," he said.


Who's lying? I don't know, what about you?


Israel faking audio evidence: Beatings, Abuse, Doctored Evidence Emerge

via IPS News

RAMALLAH, Jun 7, 2010 (IPS) - Although Israel successfully controlled news of its deadly commando raid on the Free Gaza (FG) flotilla during the first crucial 48 hours of media coverage, emerging evidence from witnesses and survivors is challenging the Israeli government's version of events. 

These include claims of medical treatment being withheld; beatings and abuse of passengers who never resisted; the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) doctoring audio and selectively editing videos. 

Furthermore, allegations of a possible shoot-to-kill policy, amidst autopsies revealing repeated gun shots to the heads of the victims, are also part of an emerging pattern. 

One of the first targets of Israeli commandos raiding the FG flotilla was the international media. Photographers were attacked, and journalists had their video, audio and other communications equipment confiscated. The equipment has still not been returned. 

"It was clear that Israel wanted to control the media coverage of the situation from the very beginning," Huwaida Arraf, FG’s chairwoman, told IPS. 

Approximately 60 journalists from around the globe were on board the FG flotilla. They were amongst the last to be released by the Israelis. 

Israeli authorities denied other media access to the imprisoned journalists and activists during the entire period they were incarcerated. Reporters were also prevented from speaking to the FG activists when they were deported from Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurion International airport. 

The IDF imposed a media blackout on the wounded being interviewed in Israeli hospitals, with soldiers stationed in hospital wards to enforce the ban. Journalists trying to enter Gaza to cover the raid were turned back by the Israeli authorities at the Erez crossing. 

Meanwhile, the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) has denounced Israel’s editing and distribution of footage it confiscated from foreign journalists aboard the FG flotilla. 

CPJ refers to claims by the Foreign Press Association (FPA) in Israel that the military "is selectively using footage to bolster its claims that commandos opened fire only after being attacked." 

In another incident, the IDF had to clarify and correct another audio tape it released to the media after questions were raised as to its authenticity. 

In the audio one of the ‘activists’ on board the FG allegedly tells the Israelis, amongst other things, to "go back to Auschwitz" in what appears to be a fake accent from the United States’ deep south. The "activist" is also heard telling the Israelis: ‘’We are helping Arabs go against the U.S. Don't forget 9/11 guys." 

The IDF also claimed that the voice of Arraf was recorded on the ‘Mavi Marmara’, the boat where the activists were shot dead. However, she was on a different boat, the ‘Challenger 1’. 

"There were no Americans from the south on the flotilla. Furthermore, the only people to communicate with the Israelis other than myself were the captains," Arraf told IPS. 

"One of them was British, two were Greek, two Turkish and one Algerian and they acted in a very professional manner. I was near the VHF radio during the entire period of communication with the IDF and none of those alleged slurs were made," added Arraf. 

However, despite the IDF’s retraction/correction, discrepancies remain even in the edited IDF audio which was released five days after the original one. The alleged slurs about Auschwitz and 9/11 remain. 

Although it was inevitable that contradictory evidence would emerge following the arrival of hundreds of the released activists in Istanbul, Athens and other European capitals, the first dramatic events are no longer the main headlines of the major media outlets and network corporations. 

And this was probably what the Israelis relied on as they went on the diplomatic offensive. 

Nevertheless, the raid and its ramifications are not going away. Post-mortems carried out by the Turks reveal that a number of the dead had numerous shots to the head in addition to other parts of the body. Thirty shots were used to kill nine people. 

The IDF has a "confirm kill" policy where even after a person (who is considered a danger to the life of a soldier or other Israelis) is neutralised by several bullets, a final shot is fired into the head at close range to "confirm the kill". 

Critics have questioned how individuals, who allegedly constituted threats to the life of the commandos, and would therefore be fighting and moving around, remained still long enough to receive so many shots to the head at close range. 

Activists further accuse the Israelis of denying the dying and seriously wounded medical attention despite their desperate pleas for help. Other activists were forcibly prevented from going to the aid of the injured. 

Survivors, reportedly, have also disputed Israeli claims that their soldiers used live ammunition only after they were attacked by some of the activists who fought back and managed to wound several of the soldiers. They claim the soldiers began shooting before they were attacked as well as after those who fought back had been neutralised. 

Further, Israeli claims that the commandos only used violence against activists who attacked them have also been disputed. A number of activists have claimed they were beaten up in jail and at Ben Gurion when they were being deported. 

This IPS correspondent was physically threatened and verbally abused by Israeli police when she witnessed, and took pictures of, several frightened and cuffed activists being frog-marched away from the airport’s departure lounge. 

Paul Larudee, a 64-year-old activist from the U.S. and a diabetic, had to be hospitalised after he was beaten repeatedly on different occasions by the navy seals. Kenneth O’Keefe, an Irish-American and former marine, was hospitalised in Tel Aviv after he too was beaten by security officials at the airport. 

O’Keefe wanted to fight his deportation but was advised by his lawyer to leave the country for his own safety. 

George Galloway: 60 ships and 500 land vehicles for Gaza

via RedressNewsBlog

George Galloway announces new convoys to break the siege of Gaza

Five hundred vehicles and 60 ships to break the criminal siege of Gaza 

Viva Palestina founder George Galloway, speaking to a crowd of around 20,000 protesting outside the Israeli embassy in London, revealed the latest plan to bring about the end of the siege on Gaza.

Two simultaneous convoys – one by land the other by sea – will set forth on SUNDAY 12 SEPTEMBER bound for Gaza. Viva Palestina, the International Committee to break the Siege on Gaza and any allies who will join us will organize the two convoys.

The land convoy will leave from London and travel across Europe to Turkey, Syria and ultimately through the Rafah Gate into Gaza. Cooperation will be offered and sought with all relevant governments and agencies. It is expected the convoy will pick up vehicles and volunteers in each country through which it passes. The target is to enter Gaza with 500 vehicles.

The sea convoy will travel around the Mediterranean gathering ships, cargo, volunteers from each country. The target is to enter Gaza with 60 ships.
via RedressNewsBlog
The aim will be to arrive on Gaza's frontiers at the same time. And to enter with the world's largest ever aid convoys. And to thereby render the siege null and void.

Please get in touch if you need further information. Please also sign up to the Viva Palestina mailing list -

Please pass this on to everyone you think might be interested in supporting the new convoy.

via RedressNewsBlog

Report: Turkish PM May Sail to Gaza Himself


Turkish officials have been suggesting that they would dispatch a military escort with future aid flotillas to the Gaza Strip in response to the massacre of aid workers on board one of their ships by Israeli commandos earlier this week. The scope of the operation was never disclosed.

Turkish PM Erdogan
But now it looks like this may come to fruition in the near term and in very high profile fashion, as security sources within Turkey are reporting that Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan is not only planning to dispatch the Navy on the next flotilla, but that he is considering accompanying them personally.
Israeli officials dismissed the possibility of Erdogan visiting the Gaza Strip with the flotilla, describing it as unrealistic. The United States has reportedly asked Erdogan to delay the aid operation in light of rising tensions with Israel.
As Turkey’s population has expressed outrage over the massacre of Turkish citizens and the government has expressed its displeasure at Israel’s attack, Israel has done acomparatively successful job in spinning Turkey as the real villain domestically, and Israeli protesters have been out in force condemning Erdogan and Turkey in general as terrorists for both dispatching aid to the besieged strip and for complaining when the aid workers were killed.
Israel’s formidable military has roughly the same budget as Turkey’s, but as a member in good standing of NATO Turkey could also call upon much of the international community if its Navy is attacked on such a mission, making it unlikely Israel will choose to solve an accompanied aid delivery militarily.