This topic never cease from controversy. Again and again, I'd meet some people who would openly say that democracy is kufr.

The argument? Capitalism brought so much suffering to this world... How shallow, and very pathetic...
Saying that 'democracy'='capitalism' is the same as saying 'holding a knife'='killing somebody'. Democracy does not necessarily mean capitalism. How many monarchy government that practice capitalism in this world? SOOOOO MANY...

Communism and socialism can come through democracy, not only capitalism. And it is not an impossible thing to have muamalah and shiayasah Islamiyyah together with democracy. Because democracy is just a tool.

Sure, the Prophet (S.A.W.) never said anything pro of democracy, but did the Prophet (S.A.W.) say anything against it?

So my friends out there, if you don't like democracy, just stay away from it, and stay quiet. Stop calling people infidels just because we believe in the freedom of the people to choose. Takfir is a serious matter. I am seriously tired of arguing on this issue.

"Democracy has done some good things. It has saved humanity from despots and dictators who act like gods. The details should be left to the people. Let them decide for themselves."
- Syeikh Yusuf Qaradhawi, Istanbul 2006

-Ariff Abdullah I'm reading: Islam and Democracy...againTweet this!