From the beginning of Israeli commandoes attack on Flotilla humanitarian mission heading for Gaza, Twitter has been stormed rapidly with angry comments around the globe. On average, more than 100 tweets emerged every minute, making #flotilla the most tweeted trend of the day (unfortunately,  Twitter banned #flotilla from trending, much to its users' rage)

And during that time, CNN did little to cover the news. Apparently according to tweeter DarthNader CNN have another 'more important' story to cover, namely "Pandas learn to live in the wild"

So, we're are watching a country attacking boats from many other countries trying to enter yet another country, in international water. How could that be justified?

What right does Israel posses attack the boats? One of the top excuses spread around the media was 'PA (Palestinian Authority) didn't ask for aid to Gaza'.

So what? just because PA wasn't asking, would that justify killings of innocent civilians whose only 'fault' is having good hearts to help other human beings survive another day?

And let us not forget the fact that PA is Israel's puppet. A puppet would always speak his master's words.

Israel claimed the activists were aggresive, but there's too little information out there too know whether that was true.

So here we have a major international conflict which will test our moral standing. As an individual, an as a nation. What will our government say about this tragedy?

Specifically, what will the endeared Israel-based overpaid government advisor, APCO decide for the government this time? Will we sink or float? tactful or tacitful?

Let see... I'm reading: Israel attacks Flotilla, what would APCO advise the government this time?Tweet this!